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Mission and Vision


To raise up empowered Christ followers who will spread the Gospel to their family, community, country and World


Eliminating spiritual, emotional, and physical poverty through intentional relationships and educational opportunities

Our story

Ahava Ministries started with one single family. As a new school year approached, this family reached out to our founder, Andrea Mendez. Due to economic circumstances they were not going to be able to send their children to school. In response to their need, Andrea found sponsors to help buy the children's school uniforms and supplies so the children could continue their education. 

Soon after the school year began, the same family called Andrea to ask if she could visit their home regularly to tutor their children. Being in fourth, third, second, and first grade, the older children had already surpassed their parents' level of education and the parents could not help them with their homework. Andrea agreed and began tutoring the children once or twice a week.

Quickly, the children began inviting their friends, who were in the same circumstances, and before she knew it Andrea was running an after school program. Andrea, with the help and support of some friends, began feeding the children lunch, providing Bible lessons, and tutoring to the children.

Soon, thereafter, Andrea also felt called to reach out the the mothers of the families. She began a Bible study with them, and quickly began seeing these women growing in faith and teaching their children to walk with the Lord. 

Since then Ahava's ministry and programs have grown. We now offer programming at our center five days a week and have over eighty children from 35+ families involved.


After School Program: 

During this biweekly program we offer the children a healthy lunch, Bible lessons and discipleship, tutoring, access to the computer lab, and time to play and build long term relationships. This program is open to the 85 children who have applied and been accepted to our ministry programs. Enrollment is currently closed due to the number of staff members we have and the space available for the program. Our goal through the after school program is to build deep lasting relationships with the children involved; for this reason, we intentionally keep the numbers low so we can know each individual case and disciple each child accordingly. 

Scholarship Program

Our sponsorship program offers the opportunity of education to 63 students who would not otherwise be studying. Each child has a sponsor or two whose donations and involvement provide the students with their yearly school supplies, uniforms, tuitions, shoes, health care, and access to other resources offered through Ahava Ministries. 

The cost of sponsoring a child depends on the child's current level of study: 

Elementary school students (K-6th) costs $35 a month or $420 a year

Middle and high school students (7th-12) cost $50 a month or $600 a year

University and continuing education (adult) students cost $100 a month or $1200 a year

Trades Classes

Ahava currently offers English, Computer, and Literacy classes for people of all ages. These classes are offered in order to expand work opportunities for the students and instill in the them the confidence that they are capable of doing incredible things. We hope that with these new skills the students will be able to pursue careers that cultivate leadership, respect, and new opportunities. 

Women's Discipleship

This program offers the women involved in our programs the opportunity to fellowship together, pray for one another, learn about the Bible, and encourage one another in good times and bad. This small but powerful group of women are growing steadily in their faith. Their love for Christ and His love for them has transformed these women's hearts and is overflowing into their homes, jobs, and community involvement. 

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